
Hi, I am Huopu Zhang, a master’s student in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Before joining Georgia Tech, I spent over three years as a software engineer at Morgan Stanley. My educational background includes a Master of Architecture from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Zhejiang University. I have interned as a software engineer at Dassault Systèmes and worked as an architect in architecture firms in Finland, Switzerland, and Arizona.

I like reading about research in NLP and ML, especially those focusing on low-resource languages and historical texts. I also enjoy reading about media studies and grapholinguistics.

Research Interest

I have always been fascinated by signs and symbols, texts and contexts, how we perceive and process them, and how they shape our learning, communication, and decision making. Some of the research domains I am interested in include:

  1. Computational analyses of textual data from varied historical/cultural/social contexts.
  2. Quantitative analyses of the etics and emics of the graphical aspect of language data across diverse texts and digital artifacts found in new media and social platforms. I am also very interested in contemporary writing systems, which include modern symbols like emojis.
  3. Intelligent systems, how they process various modes of signals and establish a context of their surroundings, and how this context influences their behaviors.
  4. The impact of emerging technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), and the associated artifacts and materials in 3D format, on learning and acquisition processes.